Remote & On-site IT Support 

Remote Desktop & Mobile Support

Endpoint Security & Updates 

Endpoint Security Software & Patch Management

Software Licensing 

Software Subscription & License Management

 Network Management

On-Premise Switches, Firewall & Web Domain Management

 Pro-Active Monitoring

Device Management for Predictive Maintenance

 Detection & Response

Security Operations as as Service (SOCaaP)

Managed Services are tailored to your business requirements.

Based on the Number of Users and Size of Network, typically billed per a month for a predictable budget.

Working closely with these partners to offer the most secure, cost-effective, tried & tested package you will find.

  • Microsoft :: Industry standard applications via Microsoft 365

  • Comodo :: Leading Cyber Security Solutions

  • BitWarden :: Enterprise-level Password Management

  • Odoo :: Open Source ERP business apps including: Sales & Purchasing, eCommerce, CRM, Accounting, HR, Inventory, Manufacturing, Project Management, etc

  • Ubiquiti :: Network Technology providing Wireless, VPN, Advanced Switching, Camera Security & Door Access